Digital Microsite For Essity

Global hygiene and health company Essity approached 72Point to help establish it as a global leader in hygiene and health with sustainability at its core.

72Point launched Essity’s Green Response campaign which explored the rising cost of living and the British public’s concerns regarding the impact this will have on their ability to make environmentally conscious decisions. Our client understood the weight the pandemic had on the nation, the stress caused and wanted to research into the environmental impact since Covid-19. 

Our campaign revealed two-thirds of the nation would like to live more sustainably but are unable to. 

The multifaceted project involved national research into consumer attitude, an insightful microsite designed and created by our in-house design division; Oath, and a news story raising awareness of the initiative that went onto secure 180 pieces of media coverage across national and regional media outlets, whilst providing 287 of those all-important follow-links to the Green Response report. 

The activity delivered a positive and reassuring message – that Brits feel they can make a difference to the environment through the actions they take as individuals. Essity have a significant corporate social responsibility, and with current affairs at the forefront of the nation’s mind, it was a great triumph that this campaign positioned Essity as thought leaders who are pioneering their market with sustainability at its core. 

Nov 2021

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